Upcoming Workshops
"How do you Revolutionize a Department - Insights and Challenges from the Bucknell RED project" led by Alan Cheville from Bucknell University
When: Thursday, February 16, 2023 9:00 – 10:30 am
Where: 202 Hammond (Stavely Conference Room)
Register at: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_78rSKkknxMhvgO2
The intention of the National Science Foundation RED (Revolutionizing Engineering Departments) program is to support organizational and cultural change in engineering departments, allowing for innovative pedagogical and structural approaches. Dr. Alan Cheville, Professor and T. Jefferson Miers Chair in Electrical Engineering at Bucknell University, will lead this workshop on how to revolutionize an engineering department. Alan will draw from his time as a program director at the National Science Foundation, where he helped to move engineering education policies and programs forward, as well as his own experiences leading a RED grant in the electrical engineering department at Bucknell.
R. Alan Cheville received degrees in electrical engineering at Rice University, receiving his doctorate in 1994. His dissertation work looked at the anomalous ultrafast relaxation of carbon-60 films using optical techniques. His postdoctoral working was on ultrafast optoelectronics and he joined the faculty of Oklahoma State University in 1998. He continued his work on high-speed THz optoelectronics in areas such as THz time domain spectroscopy of molecular vapors and flames, pulsed ranging, and optical tunneling. During his time at Oklahoma State University, he slowly transitioned his research interests from optoelectronics to engineering education, with a focus on effectively integrating research-based pedagogies into engineering curricula in the areas of photonics and electromagnetics. He led a five-year NSF-sponsored department-level reform project at OSU that sought to integrate relevant design experiences and mathematical competencies across the curriculum. Following the conclusion of this project, he served for two and a half years as the program director for engineering education in the National Science Foundation’s Engineering Directorate. He has served as chair of the Electrical & Computer Engineering at Bucknell University, associate editors of IEEE Transactions on Education and the Journal of Engineering Education, and on several national-level advisory boards and is currently PI of an NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments project.
Awareness for Changemaking: Diversity and Inclusion Among Enigneers
When: Monday, March 20, 2023 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Where: 202 Hammond (Stavely Conference Room) | Virtual Session: 4 - 5 pm via Zoom
Register at: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_00PY740Gbbe1OSy
Have you ever wondered what drives an individual’s behavior when interacting with different folks? As an instructor, what behaviors do you look for in diverse teams to ensure everyone is working together? This workshop will provide research-based insights about factors impacting diversity-related behavior patterns within engineering to aid instructors in the classroom. Specific strategies will be discussed through just-in-time mini-interventions to prevent undesirable consequences from different diversity-related student and instructor behaviors. We hope this workshop will aid faculty in their awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion in alignment with the upcoming ABET requirements and the College’s Strategic Plan.
Developing a Scholarly Education Plan for your CAREER Proposal (Part 1)
When: March 27 from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm (Zoom) or March 28 from 10:30 am - 12: 00 pm (202 Hammond, Stavely Conference Room)
Register at: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7TYqGEUM7fFiZi6
Early career faculty, have you started thinking about your CAREER proposal yet? Or have you been unable to stop thinking about it?
Come join the Leonhard Center workshop on March 27 or 28 to discuss your education plan with your colleagues and the Leonhard Center. The workshop will assist you in:
- Choosing the goals/objectives for your education component
- Developing an outline for a scholarly education plan
- Identifying appropriate references related to your plan
- Identifying evidence for assessment to determine if your goals/objectives are being attained.
The workshop will be hosted in two sessions in an effort to accommodate busy schedules. The same material will be covered at each session, so you only need to attend one. A follow-up workshop will be held in May to provide specific feedback on your education plan, including the assessment plan.